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Iridology is the art and science of analyzing the colour and structure of the iris, the sclera and the pupil to gain valuable health information. The analysis of the iris, which is the most complicated tissue structure in the body, reveals physiological conditions, psychological health risks and strengths and weaknesses of various organs. With iridology, we have a simple, non-invasive, painless, and economical way of looking into the body. The iris is the most complex external structure of the human anatomy. It has reflex connection to every organ and tissue of the body by way of nervous system. Through the optic nerves visual information is sent to the brain, at the same time there is information sent back to the eyes from the brain about the state of organs and tissues in the body. Eyes have long been referred to as the “Windows of the Soul.”

The eyes are an extension of the brain. They are the input for the brain. Through changes in the pigments and structure of the iris, abnormal conditions of the tissue in the body are revealed. The density, colour, pattern and the structure of the iris fibers and the degree of darkness and lightness will determine the underlying inherent weakness, which may or may not be activated according to diet, environment and psycho-social factors.


Some of the benefits of iridology are:

  • understanding genetical predispositions, constitutional strengths and weaknesses. This way we may be encouraged to work towards our own strengthening through a holistic approach including herbal remedies, physical exercises and nutritional changes.
  • knowing which organs are under or over active or if any organs or tissues are degenerating.
  • knowing the conditions of the nervous, digestive, cardio-vascular, lymphatic and structural systems of the body.
  • can reveal accumulation of toxins in the body and the chemical and nutritional imbalances.
  • overall health awareness.

The greatest feature and main advantage of iridology is that it can be used to determine potential health problems at the earliest stage. Therefore, symptoms can be treated before they appear. It is a unique preventive health care. Through prevention we can improve health and avoid diseases that might otherwise follow. Iridology can give us an understanding of our past, present, and potential future health issues. It is primarily a constitutional analysis and the only science, that can discern inherent strength or weakness of a particular organ or the entire body, even three generations back.