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„God is your best friend.“„Every person is the master of his own destiny.“„Health is firmness in body, stability in mind, and clarity in thinking“.„Do not live in the future; only the present is real.““When there is no desire, all things are at peace.”

„God is your best friend.“

Parahamsa Hariharananda

„Every person is the master of his own destiny.“

Parahamsa Hariharananda

„Health is firmness in body, stability in mind, and clarity in thinking“.


„Do not live in the future; only the present is real.“


“When there is no desire, all things are at peace.”


The Science of Holistic Medicine

Holistic medicine is the art and science of healing, that integrates conventional and alternative therapies to prevent and treat disease and to promote optimal health. It is a natural system of healing that is comprehensive and complete, a real and rational system of medicine using natural methods of treatment raging from diet, herbs, and acupuncture to lifestyle counseling and meditation, that addresses the whole person – body, mind and spirit.



Acupuncture is the most visible, unique, and conspicuous feature of Chinese Medicine. It is also one of the oldest healing practices in the world. It involves placing very thin needles in precise acupuncture points to help the body return to a state of harmony. According to the recent research on acupuncture, effects produced by needling […]

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Cosmetic Facial Acupuncture (acupuncture facelift)

Is an effective non-surgical and non-toxic method of reducing the signs of aging, and improving the quality and tone of the skin. It is a natural solution to the ageing process. Cosmetic facial acupuncture treatment can erase fine lines, reduce deep lines, lessen sagginess, improve skin colour, texture and reduce age spots. The insertion of […]

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Iridology is the art and science of analyzing the colour and structure of the iris, the sclera and the pupil to gain valuable health information. The analysis of the iris, which is the most complicated tissue structure in the body, reveals physiological conditions, psychological health risks and strengths and weaknesses of various organs. With iridology, […]

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Constitutional diet and spiritual counseling

Everyone wants to be as happy and healthy as possible. Each person is unique. To understand your individuality is to know yourself, what you are, who you are. Knowing yourself is the foundation of life and the foundation of health and happiness. Traditional natural healing systems are all based on individualized approach. People are different […]

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